
Public Speaking for Chronic Illness Patient Advocacy (2011-2016) – After falling ill and becoming bedridden from Lyme disease and babesiosis, conducted rigorous independent research on treatment options in medical literature, which eventually led to successful management of a condition that is notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat and leaves most patients chronically bedridden or severely disabled from daily living. Was subsequently invited to speak at various health conferences and healthcare forums to provide a patient perspective on medicine and healthcare. Venues included Stanford University, University of California Los Angeles, Quantified Self, Silicon Valley Health Institute, and Ancestral Health Symposium. #advocacy #health

Human Hacker House (2012-2013) – A nonprofit initiative to revolutionize personalized health and medicine co-founded with Chloe Fan, Nick Winter, Eri Gentry, Yoni Donner, and Alexander Grey. Based in Sunnyvale, California, this health-focused “coliving-coworking” space was centered around a smart home concept, accommodating citizen science, Quantified Self, personalized health, and preventative medicine. With help and mentorship from advisors at NASA Ames Center, Singularity University, Thiel Foundation, and DIYGenomics, the space hosted community events for health self-experiments, venture-backed healthcare technology startups, and pre-market demonstrations of consumer health technologies. #advocacy #health #community

China Startup Guide (2013-2014) – With funding and support from entrepreneur Derek Sivers, wrote the 33,000-word manuscript of China Startup Guide, an international Amazon bestseller in January 2014. Researched the book from start to finish by securing exclusive interviews with 30+ business leaders based in Beijing and Shanghai to discuss venture capital, e-commerce, software, import-export, and hardware technologies. #writing #interviewing #culture

Patient’s Guide to Healing (2015) – Wrote 20,000-word manuscript for the Hormone Health Guide, a patient’s guide to finding treatment for endocrine and related conditions. #writing #health

Writing and Media Tour for Mental Health Advocacy (2016-2018) – While healing from C-PTSD from child abuse, wrote for various health publications and on a personal blog about my experiences using psychedelic healing modalities. This writing received over a million views and resulted in a media tour with dozens of outlets globally, including Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan Australia, New Scientist UK, NBC Today, and a guest feature segment in the Canadian documentary, Smart Drugs (Fathom Films, 2018). #writing #advocacy #mental-health

2018-2022 – After an 8-year hiatus from undergraduate studies, attended and graduated from Brown University.

2022-present – Working on projects related to #neuroscience #research #mental-health